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Monday, August 6, 2012

Less than a month away.

Yesterday, I was talking about the Peace Corps with a friend of mine who I work with at camp.  I was telling her that I'll be gone for 27 months, at which point she turned to her daughter and said, "That's longer than she's been alive."  Crazy stuff.  27 months is a long time.

It's a crazy mix of emotions this time around.  I'm nervous about embarking on this new experience, yet not as nervous as the first time, because I know that I can handle it.  I'm anxious about the preparations required to pick up and leave for two years, but not as anxious because I know what to pack and what not to pack.  I'm sad about having to say goodbye to my friends and family, but after having to do it once before it (hopefully) should be easier.

I get asked all the time about how I feel about leaving, and I can't really put it into words.  I constantly have to remind myself of why I'm doing this.  The best reminders are when I talk to my H-19 friends, look at pictures of my time in Honduras, or talk to a friend from Sulaco.  My Peace Corps journey is just beginning, and right now I can't wait for the next chapter to begin.

I'll be heading to DC on September 4th (which is also my 24th birthday) for staging, and leaving for Nicaragua on the 5th.  I have to say goodbye to my camp family kids on Sunday, finish out another week and a half of camp, and then begin the whirlwind week and a half of preparations once I get home.  I'm trying to enjoy each moment, but it's going by way too fast!

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